The Russian invasion of Ukraine sent shockwaves across the world and propelled markets into deep uncertainty. The conflict is ongoing with no end in sight yet. The visceral international reaction toward the invasion and the subsequent imposition of sanctions have made the situation even more volatile.
Hedging Against Uncertainty: How Will the Ukraine War Impact Orange County Commercial Real Estate?
Apr 26, 2022 8:00:00 AM / by Sierrah Scarpine posted in Commercial Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate Process, Commercial Real Estate Properties
How Office Tenants are Benefiting from Higher Office Vacancies
Mar 22, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Sierrah Scarpine posted in Commercial Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate Process, Health & Fitness
You love the office space you are in, and you may have put in a lot of effort to get things to be exactly how you want. Why wait until that dreaded time approaches when you might be looking at higher rent - the end of the lease period? What can you do now?
Moving Office: How Orange County Real Estate Brokers Can Help You Get The Best Outcome
Jan 18, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Sierrah Scarpine posted in Commercial Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate Process, Office Space, Moving Offices
Moving offices is sometimes a necessary choice you may have to make to keep up with the growing needs of your business. It is not an easy task though. There are quite a few logistical challenges that you need to overcome to move successfully, but the most critical bit is finding the right space.
American Academy Opens It's Second Location in Newport Beach
Feb 7, 2020 11:48:35 AM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Commercial Real Estate Process, Office Space
The United States has seen an increase in homeschooling, with roughly 3% of families choosing to homeschool and another 7% wishing they had the ability to do so. For many working parents, homeschooling is not an option. And this is where hybrid homeschooling enters the platform.
What to Know About Orange County Commercial Real Estate in 2020
Jan 24, 2020 5:36:59 PM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Commercial Real Estate Process, Office Space
The market for office space in 2020 will be similar to last year, but businesses should be aware of the subtle differences before renewing their lease or looking for new office space.
Do You Have the Traits of an Entrepreneur?
Sep 3, 2019 12:31:48 PM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Commercial Real Estate Process, Office Space, Retail, Featured Clients
It takes a very special individual to be a successful entrepreneur: someone willing to take risks and see opportunities differently than most people do. While anyone can start a business, it’s usually these unique individuals who actually do. And while some may fail at their first attempt(s) at a business, it’s that true entrepreneur who continues to try again and again. “It’s in their blood” is a fitting cliché for an entrepreneur. Let’s dive in a little deeper into the makings of an entrepreneur, and maybe you’ll see yourself in one or more of these.
Don't sign the lease yet! Did you consider this significant expense first?
Jul 3, 2019 11:13:45 AM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Commercial Real Estate Process, Office Space
Parking is a crucial piece of the puzzle when choosing commercial real estate for your business. It’s also an expense that many don’t consider. Not only do you have to consider whether your new office space will have sufficient parking for your employees, clients, and visitors, but also how much you’re willing to pay.
Success Stories: Bringing Home the Win
May 14, 2019 2:50:25 PM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Commercial Real Estate Process, Office Space, Retail
We could write a long list of why commercial real estate brokers are an essential resource to any business...but that would be boring. Truth is that when it comes to demonstrating benefits, stories are best. Here are a few real-life examples of how brokers bring home the win throughout the commercial real estate process.
3 Ways to Utilize Your Broker
Sep 21, 2018 6:30:00 AM / by Gary Abraham posted in Commercial Real Estate Process
Your commercial real estate broker is your best asset when searching for a new location for your business. They’ll help you navigate the process and negotiate lease terms that are in your best interest. Between their knowledge of the market, networking, negotiating skills, experience and more, your broker has a lot to offer.
So, how can you best utilize their services to support your success?
Should I Renew My Lease or Relocate?
Sep 17, 2018 6:30:00 AM / by Gary Abraham posted in Commercial Real Estate Process
As a business owner or management-level decision maker, at some point you will inevitably be charged with one of the most important issues facing your company’s ongoing prosperity and long-term success: where to call “home” for your trusted employees and valued clients. Do you stay in this location and renew your lease, or do you need to relocate?