This Business Strategies that You Need to Implement Today During Coronavirus webinar was recorded March 24 2020 by Gary Abraham from Aspect Real Estate Partners and Business Consultant, Karie Armstrong.
Coronavirus: Business Strategies that You Need to Implement Today
Mar 25, 2020 3:22:24 PM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Retail
OC Health Care Order for Businesses and Individuals | Aspect Real Estate
Mar 18, 2020 10:19:16 AM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Office Space, Retail
Businesses and individuals in Orange County received an email on March 16, 2020 from the Orange County Operational Emergency Operations Area that read there was an order for stay in shelter through March 31, 2020.
8 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
Dec 27, 2019 8:57:32 AM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Office Space, Retail
For over 4,000 years (starting with the Babylonians), humans have been making New Year’s Resolutions. And for over 4,000 years, a lot of humans have beaten themselves up when they weren’t able to succeed at their New Year’s resolution(s). A recent study showed that around 46% of Americans make resolutions at the beginning of the year and by 6 months, only 6% of them have kept to their resolution.
14 Ways to Gain and Retain Quality Tenants
Nov 17, 2019 1:39:34 PM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Commercial Real Estate, Office Space, Retail
The Ultimate Guide for How to Find Good Tenants and Keep Them at Your Property
The leasing market can be competitive for commercial real estate landlords. You want to attract quality tenants: successful businesses run by savvy, prosperous business people of integrity. But smart tenants have options when it comes to where to lease.
Here are fourteen things you can do to find tenants for your rental property while continuing to increase its value and profitability.
Cybersecurity Workshop (VIDEO)
Oct 31, 2019 6:05:54 PM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Office Space, Retail
8 Tips for Hosting a Company Event
Oct 1, 2019 10:57:33 AM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Office Space, Retail
Do You Have the Traits of an Entrepreneur?
Sep 3, 2019 12:31:48 PM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Commercial Real Estate Process, Office Space, Retail, Featured Clients
It takes a very special individual to be a successful entrepreneur: someone willing to take risks and see opportunities differently than most people do. While anyone can start a business, it’s usually these unique individuals who actually do. And while some may fail at their first attempt(s) at a business, it’s that true entrepreneur who continues to try again and again. “It’s in their blood” is a fitting cliché for an entrepreneur. Let’s dive in a little deeper into the makings of an entrepreneur, and maybe you’ll see yourself in one or more of these.
A school called Premier Ballet of Orange County
Aug 15, 2019 1:19:45 PM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Office Space, Retail, Featured Clients
Walking into Premier Ballet of Orange County is an interesting mix of modern feel, clean look, the sounds of classical music coming from the dance studios, and the beauty and elegance of ballet dancers of all ages and genders. But, it’s the story behind how it came to be that is most intriguing.
Best Resources for Small Businesses
Aug 5, 2019 1:39:38 PM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Office Space, Retail
“The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one's opportunities and make the most of one's resources.” –Luc de Clapiers
What businesses need to know about cybersecurity.
May 31, 2019 1:41:25 PM / by Giselle Baumet posted in Office Space, Retail
Today, the internet is inextricably woven into running a business. From email to eCommerce and banking to ordering supplies, we depend on the web practically 24/7. It’s an essential tool — and like all tools, we need to understand how to use it safely. In our desire to add value to every facet of your business, today we’re taking a quick look at cybersecurity.